多年从事分子微生物学和生物信息学方面的教学和研究。在微生物代谢产物、基因调控和生物大数据方面硕果颇丰。发现微生物新种“辽宁号”(Paenibacillus liaoningensis sp. nov.),在流感病毒蛋白质相互作用方面有原创性的研究。开发了对心脑血管有预防和治疗作用的纳豆激酶,在辽宁省和吉林省得到转化,市场前景广阔;针对海参绿色生态养殖开发出纯绿色的免疫调节剂,并在辽宁省多地沿海城市中得到应用,取得较好的经济效益;同时开发了计算机辅助药物设计、药物分子的生物大分子的三维结构及修饰的计算与模拟、药物毒性预测模型、微生物系统鉴定的数据库等,为医药卫生、食品、农业科技等领域的研究工作者提供便捷的网上分析工具;建立三维新药模拟筛选的计算平台,为新药研发企业提供快速筛选模型。
1、2016.1-2017.12 H5N1禽流感病毒NS1蛋白与人NOLC1蛋白的相互作用在CK2相关信号通路及感染机制中的作用研究(国家自然科学基金,项目编号:31570160)主持人。
2、2007年-2009年 人源化高致病性禽流感病毒cDNA 预测探针库的研究(国家自然科学基金,项目编号:30671852)主持人。
3、2019.10-2021.12 纳豆激酶蛋白活性位点再构研究(辽宁省重点研发计划,项目编号:2019JH2/10300041),主持人。
4、2020年1月-2021年12月 新民淡水鱼健康养殖科技特派团 (沈阳市科技特派团,项目编号:19-302-3-04)主持人。
5、2017.8- 纳豆激酶专利技术转化(沈阳市科技局科技成果转化推进计划项目,项目编号:17-65-7-00)主持人。
7、2015.6-2018.12 生物大分子的计算模拟及其功能与应用研究(辽宁省教育厅高等学校创新团队,项目编号:LT2015011),主持人。
10、2015.2-2017.12 水产品病原微生物及违禁药物快速检测方法研究(沈阳市科技局大型仪器设备共享服务项目,项目编号:F15-165-4-00)主持人。
1) Huawei Feng, Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Xingang Zhang, Shimeng Li, Tianzhou Yang, Jian Zhao, Mengyuan Qi, Hongsheng Liu(corresponding author). Ocular Bacterial signatures of Exophthamic Disease in Farmed Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aqucutural Research. 2020. http://doi.org/10.1111/are.14574.
2) Hongsheng Liu, Guofei Ren, Haoyu Chen, Qi Liu, YingjuanYang, Qi Zhao(corresponding author). Predicting lncRNA-miRNA interactions based on logistic matrix factorization with neighborhood regularized. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2020. 191(2020):105261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2019.105261.
3) Hui Zhang, Zhong Ming, Chunlong Fan, Qi Zhao, Hongsheng Liu(corresponding author). A path-based computational model for long non-coding RNA-protein interaction prediction. Genomics. 2019.
4) Ming Zhang, Li Zhang, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), A New Comprehensive Index for Evaluating the Quality of Infant Formula under the Framework of Chinese Food Standards. Current Bioinformatics, 2019. 14: p. 1-1.
5) Zimo Yin, Haixin Ai, Li Zhang, Guofei Ren, Yuming Wang, Qi Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), Predicting the cytotoxicity of chemicals using ensemble learning methods and molecular fingerprints. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2019. 39:1366–1377.
6) Haixin Ai, Xuewei Wu, Li Zhang, Mengyuan Qi, Ying Zhao, Qi Zhao, Jian Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), QSAR modelling study of the bioconcentration factor and toxicity of organic compounds to aquatic organisms using machine learning and ensemble methods. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019. 179: p. 71-78.
7) Junfeng Zhu, Ying Xu, Jian Zhao, Xue Li, Xinrui Meng, Tianqi Wang, Benyao Zou, Pengyan Zhao, Qi Liu, Changlong Lu, Fangliang Zheng, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), IL-33 Protects Mice against DSS-Induced Chronic Colitis by Increasing Both Regulatory B Cell and Regulatory T Cell Responses as Well as Decreasing Th17 Cell Response. Journal of Immunology Research, 2018: p. 1827901.
8) Qi Zhao, Dan Liang, Huan Hu, Guofei Ren, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), RWLPAP: Random Walk for lncRNA-protein Associations Prediction. Protein & Peptide Letters, 2018. 25(9):830-837.
9) Qi Zhao, Haifan Yu, Zhong Ming, Huan Hu, Guofei Ren, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), The Bipartite Network Projection-Recommended Algorithm for Predicting Long Non-coding RNA-Protein Interactions. Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, 2018. 13: p. 464-471.
10) Qi Zhao, Yue Zhang, Huan Hu, Guofei Ren, Wen Zhang, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), IRWNRLPI: Integrating Random Walk and Neighborhood Regularized Logistic Matrix Factorization for lncRNA-Protein Interaction Prediction. Frontiers in Genetics, 2018. 9(239).
11) Li Zhang, Hui Zhang, Haixin Ai, Huan Hu, Shimeng Li, Jian Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), Applications of Machine Learning Methods in Drug Toxicity Prediction. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 2018. 18(12): p. 987-997.
12) Liang Xu, Yanxi Hu, Yancheng Li, Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Yufeng Liu, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), In vitro DNA binding studies of lenalidomide using spectroscopic in combination with molecular docking techniques. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2018. 1154: p. 9-18.
13) Huan Hu, Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Hui Zhang, Yetian Fan, Qi Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), HLPI-Ensemble: Prediction of human lncRNA-protein interactions based on ensemble strategy. RNA biology, 2018. 15(6): p. 797-806.
14) Ai Haixin, Zhang Li, Zhang Jikuan, Cui Tong, K. Chang Alan, and Liu Hongsheng (corresponding author), Discrimination of Thermophilic and Mesophilic Proteins Using Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree. Current Proteomics, 2018. 15(5): p. 374-383.
15) Haixin Ai, Xuewei Wu, Mengyuan Qi, Li Zhang, Huan Hu, Qi Zhao, Jian Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), Study on the Mechanisms of Active Compounds in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Influenza Virus by Virtual Screening. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2018. 10(2): p. 320-328.
16) Haixin Ai, Wen Chen, Li Zhang, Liangchao Huang, Zimo Yin, Huan Hu, Qi Zhao, Jian Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), Predicting drug-induced liver injury using ensemble learning methods and molecular fingerprints. Toxicological Sciences, 2018. 165(1): p. 100-107.
17) Chunyu Zhu, Fangliang Zheng, Junfeng Zhu, Meichen Liu, Na Liu, Xue Li, Li Zhang, Zaidong Deng, Qi Zhao, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), The interaction between NOLC1 and IAV NS1 protein promotes host cell apoptosis and reduces virus replication. Oncotarget, 2017. 8(55): p. 94519-94527.
18) Liang Xu, Yanxi Hu, Yancheng Li, Yufeng Liu (corresponding author), Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, and Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), Study on the interaction of paeoniflorin with human serum albumin (HSA) by spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques. Chemistry Central Journal, 2017. 11(1): p. 116.
19) Hongsheng Liu, Guofei Ren, Huan Hu, Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Wen Zhang, Qi Zhao (corresponding author). LPI-NRLMF: LncRNA-protein Interaction Prediction by Neighborhood Regularized Logistic Matrix Factorization. Oncotarget. 2017.
20) Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Shimeng Li, Mengyuan Qi, Jian Zhao, Qi Zhao, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). Virtual screening approach to identifying influenza virus neuraminidase inhibitors using molecular docking combined with machine-learning-based scoring function. Oncotarget. 2017, 8(47): 83142-83154.
21) Fangliang Zheng, Wenwen Zheng, Limei Li, Siming Pan, Meichen Liu, Weiwei Zhang, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author), Chunyu Zhu (corresponding author). Chitosan Controls Postharvest Decay and Elicits Defense Response in Kiwifruit. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2017, 10(11): 1937-1945.
22) Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Wen Chen, Zimo Yin, Huan Hu, Junfeng Zhu, Jian Zhao, Qi Zhao, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). CarcinoPred-EL: Novel models for predicting the carcinogenicity of chemicals using molecular fingerprints and ensemble learning methods. Scientific Reports. 2017. 7(1):2118.
23) Liang Xu, Yanxi Hu, Jin Li, Yufeng Liu (corresponding author), Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). Probing the binding reaction of cytarabine to human serum albumin using multispectroscopic techniques with the aid of molecular docking. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 2017. 173:187-195.
24) Huan Hu, Chunyu Zhu, Haixin Ai, Li Zhang, Jian Zhao, Qi Zhao, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). LPI-ETSLP: lncRNA–protein interaction prediction using eigenvalue transformation-based semi-supervised link prediction. Molecular BioSystems. 2017. 13(9):1781-1787.
25) Haixin Ai, Runlin Wu, Li Zhang, Xuewei Wu, Junchao Ma, Huan Hu, Liangchao Huang, Wen Chen, Jian Zhao, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). pSuc-PseRat: Predicting Lysine Succinylation in Proteins by Exploiting the Ratios of Sequence Coupling and Properties. Journal of Computational Biology. 2017. 24.
26) Li Zhang, Haixin Ai, Qi Zhao, Junfeng Zhu, Wen Chen, Xuewei Wu, Liangchao Huang, Zimo Yin, Jian Zhao, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). Computational Prediction of Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Recursive Feature Elimination Method. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017. 10330:344-349.
27) Hai-Xin Ai, Yu-Chen Che, Li Wang, Li Zhang, Ying Gu, Yan-Ni Tan, Alan K. Chang and Hong-Sheng Liu (corresponding author). Paenibacillus liaoningensis sp. nov., isolated from soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2016), 66, 3150–3156.
28) Chunyu Zhu,Fangliang Zheng,Xiaoshuang She,Dan Zhao,Ying Gu,Yanting Duan,Alan K Chang,Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). Identification of NS1 domains of avian H5N1 influenza virus which influence the interaction with the NOLC1 protein. Virus genes. 2015, 50(2): 238-244.
29) Haixin Ai, Fangliang Zheng, Fangbo Deng, Chunyu Zhu, Ying Gu, Li Zhang, Xuejiao Li, Alan K. Chang, Jian Zhao, Junfeng Zhu, Hongsheng Liu (corresponding author). Structure-based virtual screening for potential inhibitors of influenza A virus RNA polymerase PA subunit. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics. 2015, 21(1): 149-156.