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教授 刘玉峰
2024-05-11 13:16  





2002年毕业于沈阳药科大学理科基地班,获学士学位。2008年获北京大学生药学博士学位后进入辽宁大学药学院任教。受国家留学基金委资助,2014-2015年赴美加州大学戴维斯分校Oliver Fiehn课题组公派访学,2023-2024年赴英国伦敦国王学院Cristina Legido Quigley课题组公派访学。自工作以来连续评为校第三批,第四批,第五批优秀青年教师。以第一作者以及通讯作者发表学术论文六十余篇,获得辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖及沈阳市自然科学学术成果奖多项。已授权专利十三项,技术转让四项,参编著作一部。







1、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:No. 81403177,“基于微生物转化模型辅助指导下的赤芍单萜苷体内过程与活性物质基础研究”;

2、国家标准化管理委员会项目:No. S2021233,“连翘苷标准样品的研制”;

3、辽宁省自然科学基金项目:No. 2021-MS-150,“连翘苯乙醇苷类化合物的生物转化及其代谢产物的抗菌活性研究”;

4、辽宁省高等学校创新人才支持计划:No. LR2018047,“赤芍单萜苷的药代动力学及代谢组学研究”;

5、辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目:No. JYTMS20230774,“连翘苷的生物转化及酶的固定化研究”;

6、辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目:No. L2011005,“赤芍中活性单萜苷类化合物的微生物转化研究”;

7、沈阳市科技局应用基础研究:No. F12-277-1-14,“赤芍单萜苷类物质的微生物转化及其产物的药理活性研究”;










1.Hongtian Yang, Liang Xu, Yuanhao Liang, Yuan Chen, Yancheng Li, Xiaoying Fan, Yufeng Liu*. Analysis on the interaction of coumarin isomers with human serum albumin in the presence of cisplatin[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2024, 1306: 137951. 

2.Haohao Guo, Hongtian Yang, Wenli Xu, Yunxuan Chen, Yancheng Li, Yufeng Liu*. Studies on the binding of curcumin and glycyrrhetinic acid to human serum albumin by multi-spectroscopic methods and molecular docking approaches[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2024, 1295: 136694.

3.Hui-Zhong Ma, Yuan Chen, Hao-Hao Guo, Jing Wang, Xiu-Lan Xin, Yan-Cheng Li, Yu-Feng Liu*. Effect of resveratrol in gestational diabetes mellitus and its complications[J]. World Journal of Diabetes. 2023, 14(6): 808-819.

4.郭好好,王晶,陈圆,辛秀兰,刘玉峰*. 高速逆流色谱法提取分离天然产物中生物碱的应用[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2023, 48(8): 1989-1999. 

5.Hongtian Yang, Liang Xu, Yuanhao Liang, Yunxuan Chen, Yancheng Li, Xiaoying Fan, Yufeng Liu*. A ‘‘traffic jam” of (+)-catechin caused by hyperglycemia — The interaction between (+)-catechin and human serum albumin (HSA) in high glucose environment[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2022, 355, 118975. 

6.Rongzhong Li, Shiji Liu, Xiaolin Zhou, Han Liu, Hengcao Zhou, Chunfang Wang, Yufeng Liu*, Xia Zhang. Efficient immobilization of catalase on mesoporous MIL-101 (Cr) and its catalytic activity assay[J]. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2022, 156: 110005.

7.Haohao Guo, Yuan Chen, Jing Wang, Huizhong Ma*, Yufeng Liu*. A critical review: anti-cancer effects of Brucea javanica and the mechanisms[J]. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine. 2022, 4, 100133. 

8.Jing Bai, Haiyan Ma, Xiaoying Fan, Hongtian Yang, Chang Liu, Zhaochu Xu, Yufeng Liu*. Efficient immobilization of glucose oxidase on mesoporous MIL-125 and their catalytic activities[J]. Results in Materials, 2022, 14, 100267. 

9.Yufeng Liu, Lizhi Zhang, Yuanhao Liang, Hongtian Yang, Xingjia Guo, Wei Dong. Spectroscopic cyclic voltammetry, and molecular docking study on the molecular interaction between synthesized blue emitting nitrogen-doped carbon dots and human serum albumin[J]. Nano select, 2022, 3: 381-393.

10.Zhaochu Xu, Wenbao Liu, Lijun Zhu, Shanshan Sun, Xiulan Xin, Liang Chen, Yufeng Liu*. Preparative isolation and purification of three anthocyanins from red raspberry (Rubus ideaus L.) fruits by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography based on the optimization of the ultrasound-assisted extraction method[J]. ACS Food Science & Technology, 2022, 2: 1710-1718.

11.马惠钟,杨宏天,王和欣,辛秀兰,陈亮,刘玉峰*,刘文宝*. 核磁共振定量法测定连翘苷的绝对含量[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2022, 42(5): 913-916. 

12.刘文宝, 刘玉峰*. 高校本科生天然药物化学实验教学探索[J]. 生物工程学报, 2022, 38(3): 1248-1256. 通讯作者,CSCD核心刊,校C类刊物。

13.Xin Li, Xiaoying Fan, Hongtian Yang, Yufeng Liu*. Review of Metabolomics-Based Biomarker Research for Parkinson’s Disease[J]. Molecular Neurobiology, 2021, 59: 1041-1057.

14.Liang Xu, Hongtian Yang, Ruixue Hu, Yuanhao Liang, Yancheng Li, Wenli Xu, Xiaoying Fan, Yufeng Liu*, Comparing the interaction of four structurally similar coumarins from Fraxinus Chinensis Roxb. with HSA through multi-spectroscopic and docking studies[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 340: 117234. 

15.Yuanhao Liang, Liang Xu, Hongtian Yang, Wenli Xu, Ruixue Hu, Xiaoying Fan, Yufeng Liu*, Analysis on the interaction and binding properties of daphnoretin and human serum albumin in the presence of cisplatin: multi-spectroscopic methods and docking simulation[J]. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 159: 105723. 

16.Shanshan Sun, Xiulan Xin, Lijun Zhu, Liang Chen, Zhaochu Xu, Yufeng Liu*. Preparative separation of five polyphenols from the fruits of Sorbus pohuashanensis Hedl. by high-speed counter-current chromatography[J]. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Science, 2021, 1172, 122620. 

17.Xin Li, Yancheng Li, Yuanhao Liang, Ruixue Hu, Wenli Xu, Yufeng Liu*. Plasma Targeted Metabolomics Analysis for Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines in Patients with Prediabetes, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Diabetic Vascular Complications[J]. Diabetes Metab J. 2021, 45(2): 195-208. 

18.Lijun Zhu, Shanshan Sun, Xin Li, Yanxi Hu, Yancheng Li, Yufeng Liu*. Comparative pharmacokinetic Studies of paeoniflorin albiflorin and oxypaeoniflorin between normal and cerebral ischemia–reperfusion rats based on the simultaneous determinations using an UPLC-MS–MS method[J]. Chromatographia, 2020,.  

19.梁元昊, 徐文丽, 胡瑞雪, 刘玉峰*. HSCCC分离天然产物中化学成分研究进展[J]. 中成药, 2020, 42(8): 2125-2129. 

20.Shanshan Sun, Yancheng Li, Lijun Zhu, Haiyan Ma, Lupan Li, Yufeng Liu*. Accurate discrimination of Gastrodia elata from different geographical origins using high-performance liquid chromatography fingerprint combined with boosting partial least-squares discriminant analysis[J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2019, 42: 2875-2882. 

21.李信, 马海燕, 李鲁盼, 孙珊珊, 朱丽君, 刘玉峰*. 糖尿病的代谢组学研究进展[J]. 药学学报, 2019, 54(5): 828-837.

22.徐文丽, 胡瑞雪, 梁元昊, 刘玉峰*. 中医中药代谢组学生物标记物的研究进展[J]. 中药新药与临床药理, 2019, 30(6): 756-760. 

23.胡瑞雪, 梁元昊, 徐文丽, 刘玉峰*. 一测多评法在中药中的应用及研究进展[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2019, 39(11): 1968-1979. 

24.Yumao Sheng, Guanglu Li, Hao Meng, Yide Han, Yan Xu, Junbiao Wu, Junli Xu, Zhongqiao Sun, Yufeng Liu*, Xia Zhang*, An improved carbothermal process for the synthesis of fine-grained boron carbide microparticles and their photoelectrocatalytic activity[J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44, 1052-1058. 

25.Shanshan Sun, Lijun Zhu, Yanxi Hu, Yufeng Liu*. Studies on the metabolism of paeoniflorin in human intestinal microflora by high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry[J]. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Science, 2018, 1085: 63-71. 

26.L.J. Zhu, S.S. Sun, Y.X. Hu, Y.F. Liu*. Metabolism studies of paeoniflorin in rat liver microsomes by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS)[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5: 180759. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.180759. 

27.Liang Xu, Yan-Xi Hu, Yan-Cheng Li, Li Zhang, Hai-Xin Ai, Yu-Feng Liu*, Hong-Sheng Liu*. In vitro DNA binding studies of lenalidomide using spectroscopic in combination with molecular docking techniques[J]. Journal of molecular structure, 2018, 1154, 9-18. 

28.Lijun Zhu, Shanshan Sun, Yanxi Hu, Yufeng Liu*. Metabolic study of paeoniflorin and total paeony glucosides from Paeoniae Radix Rubra in rats by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with sequential mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-MSn)[J]. Biomedical Chromatography, 2018; 32: e4141.

29.Yufeng Liu, Zu Jin, Hao Meng, Xia Zhang*. Study on the enhanced adsorption properties of lysozyme on polyacrylic acid modified TiO2 nano-adsorbents[J]. Mater. Res. Express, 2018, 5, 015402. 

30.孙珊珊, 朱丽君, 胡延喜, 刘玉峰*, 徐亮*. 超高效液相色谱-串联质谱测定饲料中镇静剂类和-受体激素类药物残留[J]. 色谱, 2018, 36(2): 150-158. 

31.桑育黎,王宇,郭方岩,郝延军,刘玉峰*,徐亮*,侯福金,罗鸿华. 北方野豌豆属透骨草的研究进展[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2018, 38 (3): 371-375. 

32.Liang Xu, Yan-Xi Hu, Jin Li, Yu-Feng Liu*, Li Zhang, Hai-Xin Ai, Hong-Sheng Liu*. Probing the binding reaction of cytarabine to human serum albumin using multispectroscopic techniques with the aid of molecular docking[J]. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2017, 173, 187-195. 

33.Liang Xu, Yan-Xi Hu, Yan-Cheng Li, Yu-Feng Liu*, Li Zhang, Hai-Xin Ai, Hong-Sheng Liu*. Study on the interaction of paeoniflorin with human serum albumin (HSA) by spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques[J]. Chemistry Central Journal, 2017, 11: 116. 

34.Liang Xu, Yan-Xi Hu, Yan-Cheng Li, Li Zhang, Hai-Xin Ai, Hong-Sheng Liu, Yu-Feng Liu*, Yu-Li Sang*. Study on the interaction of tussilagone with human serum albumin (HSA) by spectroscopic and molecular docking techniques[J]. Journal of molecular structure, 2017, 1149, 645-654. 

35.MEI-XIA ZHU, SHENG-NAN LI, HAI-DAN YOU, BIN HAN, ZHI-PING WANG, YAN-XI HU, JIN LI, YU-FENG LIU*. Simultaneous Determination of Paeoniflorin and Albiflorin in Radix Paeoniae Rubra by HPLC–DAD–ELSD[J]. Acta Chromatographica, 2017, 29(2): 279-289. 

36.朱丽君,孙珊珊,王志萍,胡延喜,韩彬,徐亮,桑育黎,刘玉峰*. 虫草素体外大鼠肝微粒体代谢初步研究[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2017, 37 (10): 1754-1762. 

37.胡延喜, 徐亮, 王志萍, 韩彬, 朱丽君, 孙珊珊, 卢晓丹, 刘玉峰*. 槟榔果皮挥发油成分的GC-MS分析[J]. 时珍国医国药, 2017, 28 (5): 1055-1056. 

38.Gen Liu,Chaochao Wu, Xia Zhang*, Yufeng Liu*, Hao Meng, Junli Xu, Yide Han, Xinxin Xu, Yan Xu, Surface functionalization of zirconium dioxide nano-adsorbents with 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane and promoted adsorption activity for bovine serum albumin[J]. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 176,129-135. 

39.Hao Meng, Xiaoxue Li, Xia Zhang*, Yufeng Liu*, Yan Xu, Yide Han, Junli Xua. Fabrication of nanocomposites composed of silver cyanamide and titania for improved photocatalytic hydrogen generation[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44 (46): 19948-19955. 

40.Jianghua Zhang, Shiguang Guo, Yu Zhang, Xia Zhang*, Yufeng Liu*, Junli Xu, Yide Han, Yan Xu. Fabrication of PVDF membranes entrapped with oleic acid modified TiO2 and selective adsorption toward bovine hemoglobin[J]. RSC Adv., 2015, 5 (60): 48607-48614. 

41.Shiguang Guo, Jianghua Zhang, Mingxue Shao, Xia Zhang*, Yufeng Liu*, Junli Xu, Hao Meng, Yide Han. Selective adsorption of bovine hemoglobin on functional TiO2 nano-adsorbents: surface physic-chemical properties determined adsorption activity[J]. Mater. Res. Express, 2015, 2, 045101. 
















