
(1) Screening and tissue distribution of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitors in mice following oral administration of Garcinia mangostana L. ethanolic extract. Food Chemistry. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学1区,TOP期刊,校A+,IF 9.231。
(2) Identification of novel akaloids from Portulaca oleracea L. and characterization of their pharmacokinetics and GLP‑1 secretion promoting activity in STC‑1 cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学1区,TOP期刊,校A,IF 6.1。
(3) Identification and pharmacokinetics of quinone reductase 2 inhibitors after oral administration of Garcinia mangostana L. extract in rat by LC–MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学1区,TOP期刊,校A,IF 5.895。
(4) Potential active constituents responsible for treating acute pharyngitis in the flowers of Hosta plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers and their pharmacokinetics. Food & Function. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学1区,校A,IF 6.317。
(5) The toxicokinetics of two oxathiapiprolin enantiomers in rats and their stereoselective interaction with oxysterol binding protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学1区,TOP期刊,校A,IF 6.1。
(6) Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of aurantiamide and aurantiamide acetate in rats after oral administration of Portulaca oleracea L. extracts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学1区,TOP期刊,校A,IF 3.154。
(7) Rapid determination of eight bioactive alkaloids in Portulaca oleracea L. by the optimal microwave extraction combined with positive-negative conversion multiple reaction monitor (+/-MRM) technology. Talanta. 中国科学院大类学科分区:化学1区,TOP期刊,校A,IF 4.035。
(8) Ball milling extraction as a green and efcient approach for the extraction of sixteen xanthone-type QR-2 andPTP1B inhibitors from Garcinia mangostana L. pericarp. Food Analytical Methods. 中国科学院大类学科分区:农林科学3区,校B,IF 3.498。
(9) A rapid extraction and analysis method for the simultaneous determination of 26 bioflavonoids in Portulaca Oleracea L. Phytochemical Analysis. 中国科学院大类学科分区:生物学3区,校B,IF 2.497。
(1 )国家自然科学基金,基于KATP通道与肠道L细胞分泌GLP-1的关系探讨马齿苋生物碱降糖活性的物质基础及作用机制,主持。
(2) 辽宁省科技厅,马齿苋中新型手性生物碱的全合成及其体内降糖活性研究,主持。
(3) 辽宁省教育厅,马齿苋中具有促GLP-1分泌活性的生物碱类成分的全合成及其体内降糖活性研究,主持。
(4) 辽宁省教育厅,基于KATP通道探讨马齿苋生物碱抗糖尿病的药效物质基础,主持。
(5) 辽宁省科技厅,基于元素追踪与荧光示踪探寻马齿苋生物碱降糖活性的药效物质基础,主持。
(6) 沈阳市中青年科技人才支持计划项目,马齿苋促进GLP-1分泌的药效物质基础及作用机制研究,主持。